My girls are at risk!!


7 Years
Jan 27, 2012
Please help! I live in Gibbsboro, NJ. The zoning guy came to my house and told me i have to get rid of my girls(6). There are neighbors around us that have chickens, but I guess they havent gotten caught. He told me it was considered a health hazard. There are gesse alllllll around us. I know he is coming back. I have no idea what to do. I dont understand the ordinances. We love our girls as do the neighbors. they bring us much joy and eggs. I guess I am looking for advice on how to get started changing the ordinance, if there is one or stalling him until i get started on my quest. I dont want to get the other neighbors in trouble, but I want the guy to know that I am not the only one with chickens. There is even an animal control guy who lives in the neighborhood that has chickens..The zoning guy said he was going to sign a complaint against me. Please help
First, are you sure the person is legitimate and not impersonating someone from the zoning department? Second, if he IS legitimate, ask him to show you the specific provision that disallows them.

Zoning does not usually have anything to do with health hazards. That job is usually the jurisdiction of the health department.

My honest guess is that he is a disgruntled neighbor, not someone legitimately from the city. Hence that only you are being "cited"; and none of your neighbors who also have poultry.

I agree that the neighbor who works in the animal control department is likely to have correct information.
Thank you everyone for your helpful advice. The zoning guy always comes around town on Tuesdays. So yesterday I kept the girls locked in thier coop.(they were not happy). But fortunately they kept quiet.. Anyway, that zoning guy must have driven by my house 5 or 6 times verrrrry slowly.I hate keeping them in the coop all the time. Usually they are out during the day freeranging. My whole yard front and back is chain link fenced. So when they are out front, anyone can see them. I have no way of just keeping them in the back. I hope they dont get mad at me. Maybe i will let them out a couple of hours before sunset and then when they go into their coop at night I can shut them in. I hate to do it, but I guess it's better than the alternative. Thanks again for the advice.

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