my girls need calcium ...


15 Years
Dec 27, 2008
Pasadena, CA
We have 4 hens that just started laying about a month or so ago. They have constant access to oyster shell, plus I give them yogurt every day and recycled eggshells once or twice a week. Still, two of them have a recurring problem with soft shells, and it seems like they're not eating the oyster shells much at all. On top of which the hot weather has them eating less feed, so I know they're not getting enough calcium. Today I ground up some Tums and mixed that with their yogurt, and at least they ate that with enthusiasm. Any other suggestions?
Put the tums right in the water. Even in the warmest weather you know they'll go for it.
We have an automatic waterer - I worry that that might clog up the valve ... otherwise a great idea. I guess as long as it doesn't get a chance to dry out it shouldn't be a problem?
You should be able to get some calcium drops that you could put in their water, or just get a pill crusher to use on the Tums. But I would say a big part of the problem is the heat, I have had some of my girls lay no-shelled eggs lately, and I have never gotten any of these before from my girls!
Where do you get 'em?

most any feed store or hardware store with a feed section should either have it or be able to get it for you.

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