my goose is sick I need some help

So far so good gotta get a fecal done tomorrow to check for yeast diflucan dose knock them down to pick them up I'm gonna get the send out test done also which I'll get back by Monday to check and see if we are truly through this feasco thank you everyone
Ok I'm back broke my phone and just got a new one he's had yeast for quite awhile I'm on 3rd course of diflucan he's lost quite a bit of weight I bought a tube feeding kit and I have questions about the diet I'm gonna start tonight and if I can use the diflucan with the nystatin dam yeast is a pain in the butt
Is 10 grain good was gonna make it like oatmeal and syringe feed him I'm scared vet told me the bigger the bird the harder to kill thrush should I mix the cereal with nystatin? The reason I got 10 grain is no sugar and it's part of the yeast free diet all the foods at tractor supply have fermentation product in them I think this is where my problem lies

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