My Hen Burned Her Foot


6 Years
May 1, 2013
I have about an 8 month old silkie who was out foraging with the flock this evening when she squeezed her way out of the Designated Chicken Area and into the area of the yard where I had burned some tree branches earlier in the day. Long story short, the silly little thing got spooked by the noise of a weed wacker, ran onto the burn pile and singed the bottom of her foot. It was also leaking some blood. The burned part looks like someone tried to brand it. I do not have a picture of it because I was more worried about cleaning it up, putting ointment on it and wrapping it up against infection. I washed it off with some cool water, applied some Vetericyn, then some Neomycin cream left over from when I had to take another flock member to the vet for treatment of a stubborn infected cut. I put a nonstick gauze pad on it and have her indoors where I can keep an eye on her. She's housed next to our spoiled house silkies, so she'll at least have some chicken company. So far she seems fine. She tried to get the wrap off before she ate some pellets, took a sip of water and settled down on a nest to lay an egg then go broody on it. I tested her by putting another egg in front of her and she immediately rolled it under herself, so that answers that question. I'm just going to leave her for now. At least then she's not standing on that injured foot. She wasn't putting much weight on it if she didn't have to walk somewhere, so I'm guessing it's not very comfortable to put pressure on right now.

And now you're probably wondering, "So what is her question anyway?" I'd just like to know if I'm treating the burn right. Should I just keep putting the antibiotic on it every day and for how long? Or is there another treatment I should be doing with her?

You did everything I would have suggested and sounds like your chicken First Aid kit is ready for such Emergencies
Thanks! Good to know. I'll keep treating her as I am and keep an eye out for infection. I have vets available to me if needs be.
Sounds like you have everything you need. Its always great when you have the needed items for random accidents. If you keep cleaning it, re packing it with ointment and bandaging it, it should heal greatly . Have you got strapping tape, or cohesive bandages? cause the cohesive bandages work great.
Sounds like you have everything you need. Its always great when you have the needed items for random accidents. If you keep cleaning it, re packing it with ointment and bandaging it, it should heal greatly . Have you got strapping tape, or cohesive bandages? cause the cohesive bandages work great.

I have cohesive bandage. I love those things.

Should I be soaking her foot? This morning I just took off her wrap and gauze pad, sprayed some more Veterycin on it and rewrapped it. The antibiotic stuff can only be used once a day per the instructions on it, so I'll put that back on in the evening.

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