my hen is acting realy strange. I'm worried!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 9, 2014
So my rhode island red laid her egg as usual but today her egg had a white coating that I could just scrape off or wash off but a soon as she laid it she went off and just sat next to the water. She hasn't sat up to move around like the others. When I went out again to feed them all the other ran to the food while the hen just sat there not finding an intrest. I tried to stand her up but she just sat back down and went to sleep. This is not like her at all just worried
Here are a few things to check her for.

How is her breathing? Does she have any discharge from nose? (signs of Infectious Bronchitis)

How old is she?

Also check out Egg Drop Syndrome 76. See if she continues to lay chalky eggs and if the eggs become misshapen.

If it were just the white chalky egg, I wouldn't think too much about it. These type of eggs happen from time to time. It's just the bloom in the egg laying process has went through too quickly to give the egg it's shine. But with the other symptoms you mentioned, I would do research to try to help you hen.
Have you checked carefully for mites or lice?  Have they been dewormed?  Any new birds brought in recently?
I have not dewormed them and nothing has changed from there routine. All the others seem fine. She did poop a pastle yellow Fluid so I isolated her to take a closer look. Her but is clean and pink and her face is normal. She's just sleeping and drinking water, when I stood her up she gently took a few slow weak steps and sat back down:(
Have you checked carefully for mites or lice?  Have they been dewormed?  Any new birds brought in recently?
have not been dewormed so maybe that's it? She pooped a pastale yellow Fluid and only drinks water.
Here are a few things to check her for. 

How is her breathing?  Does she have any discharge from nose?  (signs of Infectious Bronchitis)

How old is she?

Also check out Egg Drop Syndrome 76.   See if she continues to lay chalky eggs and if the eggs become misshapen.

If it were just the white chalky egg, I wouldn't think too much about it.  These type of eggs happen from time to time.  It's just the bloom in the egg laying process has went through too quickly to give the egg it's shine.  But with the other symptoms you mentioned, I would do research to try to help you hen.
she is about 8 months old. He nose is fine and her breathing is slow but steady
The yellow poop could be a sign of coccidiosis or parasites. If she were my bird I'd run a course of Corid then deworm her with Valbazen or liquid Safeguard for goats and see if she perks up. Then you will have at least ruled out those problems. Chickens are very hard to diagnose at the best of times, most of the time all we can do is start by ruling out the most common possibilities and go from there.
If she's only pooping watery yellow discharge and not eating, she may have sour crop, a yeast infection. Feel her crop. Is it rather full despite her not eating? Is it spongy, rather than firm?

If she has impacted crop, another possibility, her crop will be mostly empty except for a rock hard lump. She wouldn't feel like eating.

The fact she's lethargic indicates she is weak and not feeling well. It may be time to go over on the Emergencies forum and post there for some help with this.

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