My hen just died, no reason identifiable.

I'm sorry for your loss. Today my rooster was walking around the yard with the hens, eating greens, etc.,. He was absolutely fine, my husband turned to do something, turned back in the roosters direction in less than a minute, and he was dead on the ground. We are in shock. He was fine. Could roosters have heart attacks? Why would a hen/rooster die so suddenly?
So today my male Muscovy duck died today, I am pretty dumbfounded as to why this happened. There was no discharge and no symptoms to diseases. There was no blood or cuts that could lead to that. If I could have some answers as to why this happened that would be great. I took my other duck out imediatly and disinfected the food and water dishes just for a precaution. Any answers would be great!
Sad for your loss.

My first thoughts - heart attack, stroke, poison.

Is it particularly hot there? Any other domestic animals in the area?

How old was he?

What did they eat?

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It was hot but it has been hotter in the past, He was around 16 months old and he was perfectly normal. I dont let them roam the yard knowing we live in the city and could get a ticket. I was told moldy straw could cause death. I had recently gotten new straw and when I got it it was outside in the elements. I am also worried that his mate isnt taking this lightly. I have a femalle that is an attack survivor with her now to keep her company and am buying a male on sunday. Could she die from sadness? Can she wait that long for a new male.? I am so worried about her knowing they were so close and loved each other so much.
Sometimes in hot weather they can get into dead plant or animal material or fetid water and that can do them in. . . hard to know. I responded to your concerns about the widow duck on the other thread.
Oh haha thanks. I really appreciate this! I am just praying she makes it through the night without her mate
W lost a 1 year Rhode Island Red today She acted fine today and gave us an egg this morning. We found her body in the coop. There was no apparent injuries. 7 coop mates seem ok.
I am REALLY worried! My Rouen Duck is breathing really fast with her mouth open and I am worried she might not be well or even make it! You cant hear her breath and it is around 75degrees outside right now... Should I be worried?? And during the whole day it was around 97 degrees, is she still cooling down from that?
I am REALLY worried! My Rouen Duck is breathing really fast with her mouth open and I am worried she might not be well or even make it! You cant hear her breath and it is around 75degrees outside right now... Should I be worried?? And during the whole day it was around 97 degrees, is she still cooling down from that?
It is quite possible she has overheated. Can you get her into a tub of lukewarm water? Is she drinking? I would put electrolytes in her water.

Does she have shade during the day?

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