My hens almost 1 yr old and sleep on the ground, help.

I am having trouble visualizing your set up. Clearly the stock photo is not the same coop. Do you have the open area under the coop accessable? That would make an adequate area for the Cochins. Make a learner roost for them to use at night. Take 2 12" 4x4 and nail a 2-3' 2x4 flat side up and stuff it in there to give them a spot to "roost" off the ground. Adult chickens prefer 2x4 flat side up as a roost. The 2x2 you have up is too close to the fence for them to use. They need about 15" to fluff up and squat down to cover their feet. 2" is really hard for a big bird to balance on. A ramp up to the nesting area would also help them get up there to use it.
I wouldn't waste my time stuffing them in the coop at night. As soon as you stop, they will revert to staying out because the coop is uninviting. A piece of plywood or even an old window propped up against the coop will provide a protected dry area for them for now.
It just dawned on me now that you have Brabanter in the mix! Between the three of them they might just be too warm in the little coop! I would love to have a few of my own but I've got to wait until my crest hating production reds move on from this world. A friend has some beautiful gold spangled ones with marvelous black beards that NEVER sleep indoors. They're some of her most predator savvy, Canadian winter tolerant chickens, and they DO just roost in the trees by her barn and look like little chick-sicles half the year with ice in their cheeks and weighing down their crests. But they're some of the most entertaining chickens I've had the pleasure of watching just do their thing. I would totally believe she laid that egg there for sheer comic relief! I would really really suggest not adding heat to that coop!

Do you find your brabanter loud? My friends are pretty screechy, and I've heard the same from others but I keep hoping someone will tell me otherwise 😅
My Brababanter is pretty quiet I never even hear her cluck the Cochins are more vocal.

7am went to let them out of the coop and give water and feed. Snow 2 ft deep everywhere Texas at least my part has not seen snow like this in 50 yrs. I had to shovel snow to get to them. 12 noon wet to ckeck on them as had not seen them moving around in the run. Silly girls would not come out of the coop had to put food and water in the coop for them. Put the water in the nest area and feed in the corner they still had plenty of room to move around.

They normally run from me but not this time. I also raked snow out of their run so if they wanted tocget down on the ground they could.

1pm they are still in the coop they can jimp out if they want but they seam to be staying put.
Night #4 Brabanter up in coop when I went out clucking at the 2 other girls. I can just imagine what she was saying "come on Bit...s get your fluffy butts in here where its warm". She stayed in while I scooped up the other 2 and put them in the coop for the night. I will say the Cochins might have made it up there on their own had I given them more time. Being I have been without electricity 14 out of 16 hrs today I did not want to go out in the snow after dark as I live by myself. Will let you know how day 5 goes tomorrow.
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Night 7 & 8 had to go out and put them in the coop, they are not gonna learn. Att lest they are warm for these last few cold nights.
Night 9 temps around 50 tonight, run is dry so they are just on their own for the night. I am gonna have my handyman rework the little house this summer. I give up they win:bow they can roost on the ground all they want.
Night 9 temps around 50 tonight, run is dry so they are just on their own for the night. I am gonna have my handyman rework the little house this summer. I give up they win:bow they can roost on the ground all they want.

I am having trouble visualizing your set up. Clearly the stock photo is not the same coop. Do you have the open area under the coop accessable? That would make an adequate area for the Cochins. Make a learner roost for them to use at night. Take 2 12" 4x4 and nail a 2-3' 2x4 flat side up and stuff it in there to give them a spot to "roost" off the ground. Adult chickens prefer 2x4 flat side up as a roost. The 2x2 you have up is too close to the fence for them to use. They need about 15" to fluff up and squat down to cover their feet. 2" is really hard for a big bird to balance on. A ramp up to the nesting area would also help them get up there to use it.
I wouldn't waste my time stuffing them in the coop at night. As soon as you stop, they will revert to staying out because the coop is uninviting. A piece of plywood or even an old window propped up against the coop will provide a protected dry area for them for now.
You could put something up to shield them if they are going be sleeping on the ground ^ 💜
Sorry any ideal how to put a night light in the coop should I close them up in the for a few days?
I got a small solar light. It stays on couple hours after dark, just long enough to get them settled.. Works nicely it’s been cloudy for days but it still gets enough light to get the girls settled.. Good Luck!
Btw: Solar lights came from Amazon.

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