My Ideal Chicks are Here!! Pictures Included!


12 Years
Jan 13, 2008
Here they are! The post office called me at 7:40 and said they were ready for pickup.

I ordered 10 pullets, I got 8 or 9 naked neck males too (for warmth).





I hope the pictures work! They are soooo cute!
I got:

2 Golden Laced Wyandottes
2 Dominiques
2 Rhode Island Reds
2 Ameraucanas
2 Delawares

I can't wait until my 4 year old comes home, he will be so excited!
They are sooo cute. That is just to funny that they sent NNs for warmth. I suppose with the exposed necks they would give off more heat then regular Jenn
Those are really cute, and the great thing about the NN's being the peanuts (and ya'll that know more about genetics correct me if i'm wrong) is you could breed one to your hens and get NN's. The nn gene is dominant.
I have two NN pullets that Ideal sent me last fall when I ordered some surprise pullet specials.I have a buff and black and they have turned out to be very large birds so far.I can't imagine what the roos will be like.Anyway I wasn't sure about them at first but I am glad I have them now.They are not real lovey dovey but not real skittish either.

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