My Ivy.. Latest Relapse...She's Gone

I was just sitting here thinking about Ivy and Ginger. I had so hoped that rotten "Murphy" had forgotten completely about you and your girls Cyn. Maybe he has, maybe he hasn't. Like you said, only time will tell. I'll keep hoping and praying for both of them.

The apparent interest in food and water for Ivy can only be a good sign. Right? And maybe this being Ginger's first time with antibiotics will prove to be good as well. At least you know that she hasn't built up a resistance to them yet.

How is your dad doing? Improving too, I hope!
Please keep us posted Cyn. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Both human and feathered!
Thanks for thinking of us! Ivy is hanging on. She is thin, but no fluid in her abdomen. Ginger's color isn't good, but we dosed her with several days of pen-G and the fluid is still there, but seems to be subsiding a bit. I have no idea if either of them will make it, but they'd have to be more comfy than they were.

Dad is holding his own, goes to therapy like he has been since he lost his leg last year, still trying to get the prosthesis to fit right.

I'm having issues with my joints. Woke up the other day with all joints screaming. The only thing that didn't hurt was the ankle I broke in January. Won't go into the details, but several knowledgable folks have said it sounds like Rheumatoid Arthritis to them, including my nurse friends. Guess I'll be forced to go to the dr soon.

Trying to paint my coops before winter hits us. Changing the color since the same scheme has been in place for years now. Posted pics of the progress in Coops.

Thanks for all your prayers on behalf of my dad, the girls, and me. Means alot.
Thanks for the update Cyn! Sounds like on the whole, there is more good news than bad. Keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers. Ain't that what we're put on this Earth for? To help each other over the rough spots?

And you, young lady! Get to the doctors! NOW! One should never put off going. Life is too short to live it in pain. Especially when the cause of that pain is unknown! Not to sound alarmist, but early diagnosis, no matter what it is, is always preferable!

Now, step away from the computer and go make an appointment!
Then come back and update! Update! UPDATE!!!
Sending you all of my best thoughts sweetie!
Hi SpeckledHen ~ I just found this thread and read it and would like to offer my late condolences, I really do know how it feels. It sounds like you are the best chicken mommy ever and your girls are so very lucky to have you, and vice versa I'm sure. I hope you are doing well and the rest of your family (dad and chickens) as well ~ Kim
She is a an awesome chicken mommy! I don't know anyone who would do half as much as she has to help their sick birds recover.

I really was hoping that Ivy would turn around again Cyn. Still hoping...
Yes, go to the doctor. No fun being in pain all the time and it is not something to kid around. I hope your girls will recover but it is only a matter of time whether they will make it thru the winter this year.

Good day to paint if you are up to it! I want to paint my living room walls but dd and I are coming down with something. Not sure what it is but sore throat for one. DD got fever off and on, goopy eyes and I had to keep her from school today.

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