My Ivy.. Latest Relapse...She's Gone

I don't know. Today, it's raining buckets and DH doesn't like me walking down that muddy, slippery hill to the coops (he has flashbacks of me breaking my ankle, I think). Barred Rocks are such great birds, aren't they? When my numbers in the laying coop dwindle some, I plan to hatch some nice quality ones to improve my stock here.
And on that note, I have a question for see, I'm getting more and more enthralled with these Barred Rocks myself. I have this wonderful little girl, a Buff Orpington, Gimpy is her name, perhaps you've heard me mention her?

Anyway, each spring, Gimpy goes broody. She wants to be a mommy so badly. But, I don't have a roo, and even if I did, between the two of them, they wouldn't be giving me Barred Rocks, which I'd love to add more of to the flock.

I've promised Gimpy that, next spring, come heck or high water, I was going to let her be a mommy when she goes broody.

Cyn, I can't think of anyone else's eggs I'd rather have than yours. Do you think we could come to some kind of an arrangement? Gimpy so wants to be a mommy in the worst way.

I see it not only when she goes broody. I see it in the way she took care of LizzyBeth. She still stays near Lizzy and even though Lizzy is pretty much all grown up now Gimpy still watches out for her. If Lizzy has one of her seizures, Gimpy is right there to stand protectively over her until she gains her feet again, or I come to her aid if she's close enough.

Gimpy needs to be a mommy...she deserves to be a mommy. Can ya help a silly old woman out Cyn? Do you think there might be any way to time this so I could make it happen for Gimpy? It would sure make this crazy old bird (me) happy!

Of course I understand that your own breeding program takes front seat to anything I would like to do. But, if you should happen to have extra eggs around the same time as Gimpy goes broody, that would really be awsome! Just me thinking towards the future

Oooh! and I found some of this really nifty spiced salt just for popcorn! Wanna try some?
Kind of reminds me of those spiced tater tots ya get at Taco Time!
We'd have to play that by ear, m'dear. I have my BR over the laying flock of about 29 women and I know he can't keep up with them all. In that laying flock are only four older BR ladies now, so it may be out of our hands. You know I'd love to help you out, though!
It'd be nice if Ivy started laying far, she's only thrown pullets.

Flavored salt? Yum.
I fully understand dear. Let's hope that either Ivy or Ginger can come full circle, back to the healthy robust girls they once were. I'll certainly be praying for such. Not just for my own selfish reasons
....but because they're sweet girls who are special to you! And you're right...4 years just isn't long enough.

I read somewhere once that the average life expectancy of a pet chick is in the neighborhood of 15-20 years. Whether that's true or not, we could always hope! I know I hope that for my Gimpy.

In just 2+ short years, she has so thoroughly entrenched herself in my heart. The day isn't complete with out a bunch of chicken hugs from her! I get hugs from nearly all of my girls...but the hugs from Gimpy are special. When she hugs, she means it!!

How about Fern? Do you think she'll be ready by next spring, Cyn? Or is your current roo also her daddy? Hmmmm...that might not work so well if that's the case, huh?
By the way! How are you holding up with all of that rain? Are you getting those downpours we've been hearing about on the news? Hope everything is staying where it's supposed to and not washing down the mountain side with all the buckets of rain!
Oh, Cyn, I just found this thread! I am so very sorry for everything you are going through AGAIN. Glad to hear about your dad's progress. Violet was such a beautiful girl!! To have the other girls pull through is a miracle and thanks to you they will be around for awhile longer.
It is just so disheartening to read your trials and tribulations... you take such good care of your birds and don't deserve this.
My thoughts and prayers are with you always.
Serrin, there is flooding all around. Been raining for a week, almost non-stop. The girls have been inside for three days now. It's awful.
Fern is now over 16 weeks so will bed laying soon, and though Dutch is her sire, that is perfectly acceptable in the world of chicken breeding-it's called linebreeding. Ivy is not related to Dutch at all, so only one parent is related to Fern. Should be perfectly fine and she should produce some nice chunky babies.
We LIKE chunky babies!!!
And hey! Lookit that! I learned another thing today! Breeding daughter to father is OK!

Sorry to hear that you and the girls are being deluged. Hope the skies clear up and the sun shines on your little patch of the mountainside soon!

Denny and I have been through flood ourselves (1996) and can certainly empathize with anyone in your area that faces that spectre now. I'll be keeping everything crossed in the hopes that you see rainbows soon!
Well, Mr. Dutch, who apparently thinks he's all that, isn't handling all of the 30 girls he insisted on keeping to himself. I'm cracking open many infertile eggs here. Dutchie-boy may have to share the duties some day whether he likes it or not.

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