My Jumbo guineas


9 Years
Sep 25, 2010
Just a few pics of my birds. ...I hope that shows after 30 minutes of playing with img tags and locations....


Wee guinea resting.


Stepping out on their favorite tree.


Keeping watch from the same tree.


Splashing at the water hole.
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I know their faces take some getting used to, but they are stunning!
Great pics!
Took me a while to get used to their ugly bald heads too... and then I incubated/hatched a few turkeys (no offense, but talk about ugly heads!!!
Thanks folks

Yep, I'm using a SLR. I've had mine for yearrrrs. I half own a point and shoot but rarely miss it.

The third picture is taken using the manual focus. Most my pictures use the zoom lens at full, though my guineas were really good while I slowly stalked closer to them today. Even when I had to climb over their fallen tree which sits at hip height!
btw, Peeps (and others),

I put my feathers from the slaughter birds up on Craigslist. One bird provides about 100+grams of feathers (half a plastic grocery bag full). I'm pricing them at what I think is fair compared to craft stores and ebay at $10 for just over 100g of feathers. I dry the feathers by spreading them in a flat box after plucking.

So far I've had one interested person contact me. He only wants the 100g package but might buy more later.

If I make $10 / bird in feathers that will greatly reduce the feed cost (which I'm not sure I want to calculate! LOL). The best part is I can keep the feathers indefinitely and repost ads monthly.

End derail.
My first non-digital SLR was a massive beast with two different lenses (slight zoom and up to 300mm zoom). I took SOOO many pictures on it (and spent a ton of money on film and developing). The camera had been my fathers, and briefly my sisters. I got it out when I saw a bald eagle one day, but couldn't figure out how to use it. A few weeks later my guineas that I had in high school were growing older and I asked my dad to teach me the basics and then taught myself how to use it. I took some nice pictures, but I took a ton of meh ones. I always thank guineas for turning me into a photographer

I love my digital SLR (the auto focus is an amazing feature, for starters!). I want to upgrade to something fancier and get more lenses for it so I can zoom in closer. One day.
Ooooohh good idea with selling the feathers, I'll keep that in mind if I ever process any birds myself.
I just recently sent a lady a BUNCH of feathers that I ummm... "harvested" off several colors of birds that I have in my flocks
Her sister makes jewelry and is going to send me a pair of earrings made from feathers off my birds
The Guineas were not/are not at all thrilled (or cooperative!!!), but can't wait to get the earrings!

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