my light brahma chicks are evil


10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
over the mountain
ok, so i got some brahmas. they are supposed to be quiet, docile and friendly. i have some baby buff orpingtons that i am also brooding indoors. i have had lots of BOs , nice, friendly birds. my brahma roo, only 3 weeks old mind you, is super agressive, very vocal, loud and will peck down any one who looks at him sideways. ive separated the orpingtons from the brahmas, so he just has 5 LB little girls in with him and 1 silkie bantam, for some reason , he leaves him alone. we had 1 little silver laced cochin in with them too, but as he turned out to be a boy, there was some SERIOUS fighting between him and the little LB roo. the LB roo flies up at him and attacks and pins him down and the poor litttle SLC roo just cowers in terror. so now he is the in with and king of my little BO chicks. he isnt agressive with them. its totally the LB. HE is the trouble maker, the loud one and the one who scratches everyone if you try to pick him up. i got these birds BECAUSE and for the SOLE PURPOSE of having a quiet and docile roo. he used to just make these little trilling noises, and the girls still do, they are calm and just make a nice trilly chirp. but he turned evil.
any reason for this? am i wrong about LBs?
They are just setting the pecking order. That is how chickens higher up in the pecking order show thier domanace. It is completly fine. My LB rooster is the calmest that i have.
Hunter S.
There are exceptions to every rule, and there are way way to many sweetheart brahmas out there to put up with an agressive one. As stated they are working out the pecking order, but a brahma that continues to push his advantage after he has bested his pen mates would not last long around here. Life is too short to put up with mean chickens.

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