My lilacs didn't bloom in Minnesota. Was it the cold winter?

mine weren't blooming very good either so 2 winters ago I cut out a lot of the bigger limbs, and will do it again next winter, over crowding and old growth makes for less and less flowers. If you thin your bushes only take 1/3 of the large limbs then wait till next winter and do it again taking 1/3. I live in mid michigan and we were cold last winter too, mine bloomed but very few since I cut back, it usually takes couple of years before they bloom nice again. I trim mine in January.
Here is a trick grandma used on our lilacs when I was a kid . Dump old coffee grounds around the base of the lilac even in the center . Got ours blooming in about a year . It was my job to go dump the grounds . Probably nutrition or PH related .
Mine did not bloom in Virginia either. I think we got a cold snap at the wrong time. The bushes were covered with blooms last year.

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