My little mallard duck is dying....Please help i feel helpless:(


8 Years
Jun 17, 2011
California Torrance
My mallard duckling is where i got it from my uncle, a wild mallard mom hatched 6 ducklings at his house. 5 died because it got stuck in the pool's filter, so he gave me this one. I used to hatch ducks and chicks myself so i have heat lamps and other materials. This duckling is very weak, his head is turned to the side and when i hold him, he is non-energic at all. I try giving him sugar water but he spends his last energy to soak into the water and kinda zoning out. I really need some help, this is the last hope of the ducklings who made out.
Is his neck stuck in that position? If so he has wry neck and needs some medical attention that you can provide. He will have to be hand fed and hand watered using a eye dropper and scrambled eggs are the best for feeding. Do not drip the water down his lungs. Be careful to make sure he drinks what he is being offered. Poly Vi Sol(infant vitamins WITHOUT the iron) wil help to cure the wry neck. Other people have said to use vitamin E also to help but I have always been able to cure them with the poly vi sol. A couple drops in a newly hatched ducklings beak 2X's a day and increase it as they get bigger. I also provide it in their water. Can you put some pics up of the duckling? It would help to make sure that is truly what is wrong with it.

He was pretty normal when i first got him. Maybe just a lil weak. He can walk and put his head up straight and everything. I woke up this morning and saw him like this and don't know what to do. When i pick him up, he is kinda wobbling weakly. His breathing is also getting weaker.
Note: I did not have heat lamp until this morning, could he have been getting cold at night so now he is not feeling well?
Thank you for replying!
Yes, he could have gotten chilled and that can cause this. It doesn't look like wry neck. Have you seen it eating and drinking? I would still try to give it some poly vi sol, again without iron, and keep him under the heat lamp. He might have just gotten to cold and that is hard on such little ducklings.
I dipped his beak on the sugar water and he got some sip of it. After 2 hours of being under the heat lamp, HE CAN NOW WALK. I think he is getting better. Thank you for your attention! I will update how is doing and hopefully pictures when he is getting better.
I'm hoping I can get some advice too! I have a week old duckling that hatched with its momma duck. It was doing fine until yesterday, my daughter found it on its back, legs strait out in front of it. Very weak, VERY TIRED. We immediately put it under a heat lamp, and gave it sugar water as well as baby crumbles. (Unmediated) also some dandelion leaves that I hand fed. I've been giving sugar water w/ a dropper to supplement what it drinks which seems seldom and it doesn't eat much. I cleaned its little bottom today and found a very small hard blockage. The duckling acts like its going to dedicate/urinate and very little or nothing comes out. PLEASE HELP if you can. Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much for your time!
And another thing... The babies nostrils seem clogged and its breathing with its mouth open from time to time. All it does is sleep.....PLEASE HELP, I'm really worried And feel so helpless. I'm so scared its going to die....
And another thing... The babies nostrils seem clogged and its breathing with its mouth open from time to time. All it does is sleep.....PLEASE HELP, I'm really worried And feel so helpless. I'm so scared its going to die....

what does it look like it's nostrils are clogged with? are you on the website or are you on mobile? keep it warm under the heat lamp and try to get yourself some Poly vi sol without the iron.

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