My little Nando just will not grow! Update: He's found a forever home!

Omg cuuuuute! Little Nan could make a fortune if she shared her youthful secret with the rest of us! If only we could all stay that cute for that long!
She is a cutie!
Thanks for the update.
Little Nan is so cute! I hope she continues to do well and eventually grows into a beautiful hen.
We have one like her we call "Miracle Mary" she is a Barred Rock and so much smaller than all the others. We watch her alot and she has become our favorite and we only have these chicks for a week. I was so worried about her in the beginning, not getting enough food and water, but she is a scrapper and has really not been bullied by the others. I too am worried when it comes time. Thank goodness for this site and all you helpful people with suggestions. i like to reserach ahead of time to solutions:)

Ranae and Pete Hobby Farmers Dallas, Pa 15 baby Barred Rocks
I do believe little Nan is growing. OK, she still fits in one hand, but barely! She's getting covered in strange patches of feathers that seem to have no rhyme or reason as to where they crop up. She's getting boiled egg with vitamin D every third day and boiled egg with a bit of Rooster Booster every second day. Also a bit of yogurt and finely chopped greens. Go Nan..

Never thought we'd see 11 weeks, my little Skexis...


One funky chicken! Do you think she'll qualify for RBLW Best in Show this summer?


Eating her fancy breakfast:

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