My little Nando just will not grow! Update: He's found a forever home!

I've hatched a few Wyandotte chicks (Columbian here) who feathered out soooo slowly. I've also heard other people say the same thing for some of their Wyandotte chicks. Although, mine have never been smaller than other hatchlings. If anything they were larger, because most of them turned out to be roosters. As for the way the lower wing feathers are coming in, every now and then my guinea keets will do that. Their lower wing feathers just flop out like that and are often touching the ground. Actually I have 2 keets living inside that are like that right now, lol. They always grow up to be strong & healthy just like the rest. Sometimes they just take a little longer to grow up, I'm sure she'll be fine!
She's very pretty too.
I had a barred rock chick that got in the habit of eating paper towels. By the time I realized what was happening and got them out of there, she was dull eyed and straining to poop. I fed her yogurt and olive oil mixed and she improved dramatically.she is healthy and active now but tiny-the others are much bigger. My question for you is could she be stuffing herself on something non-nutritive like mine was?
Here is a picture of my Tiny that I just took tonight. I got him on the 14th of May so that makes him 8 weeks old on Sat. The other ones that are in the picture will be 5 week on Sat.
Oh my but Nan is so adorable. Those long feathers are ka-ray-zeee!

Wee Tiny is a cutie too.

Sending ++++++ vibes for them to grow into healthy, happy chickens!
I had a non bantam rhode island red called little pea and she was 11 weeks old and was tiny and had only grown feathers on her wings. she drank and eat like a horse to and pooped but i had to but her in the chick coop with the other because they were getting to big for the shed but unfortuantly she died in the night next to the water on thursday.
Another Nan Fan here - love me some Nan!! I had to LOL at the pic you titled "I always wanted a parrot" -- it looks like s/he's wearing a blonde jerry-curl wig!!!!
And those feet......maybe it's just the camera angle, but WOW!!! She or he, gonna need about a size 18 dance pump.
I'm just sayin'.
Ya just gotta love her and her story - I hope she lives long and prospers!

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