My little Nando just will not grow! Update: He's found a forever home!

Hi There, I am a new member to the BYC and found this site because I was looking for advice for the same situation. We have 10 chicks in the house that are 6 weeks old now...there is a buff orpington, a buff polish, 2 golden laced wyandots, 2 light brahmans, a dark leghorn, 2 partridge silkies and a buff banty cochin. The little banty has not grow at all since we got them all at a week old. She is doing we
ll, hasn't shown any signs of illness and enjoys sleeping in the middle of the pile with the others. When the time comes to intro duce them to the adult birds in the coop, she will not be ale to go out and we are not sure what to do with her. We know she will remain in the house, but worry that she will be very lonely. We are contemplating getting her a budgie or something for company...or maybe we will get another chick. Any suggestions?
Yes, I will keep him as long as he doesn't end up disturbing the neighbors or me too much. He's not my first rooster, but he's the first one I'm attempting to keep. It has been suggested that due to his history and probable genetic issues, he may never reach sexual maturity. Even if he does, I will not be breeding him. So far he refuses to fly or even hop up on a perch, so I doubt he will attempt to saddle a female!

Lol, good point! He seems like such a sweet little guy it would be sad to have him for dinner.
Nando 22 weeks! Big and healthy. He's really feathering out in all his rooish plumage. I think he will be gorgeous in a few months. No cock-a-doodle-doing yet. He still peep peeps!



Very deformed back which is most noticeable watching him walk, but we love him anyway. He still carries those big long feathers at the ends of both wings.
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Looking at the last photo, you'll see that his back is humped.

His chest lacing is nice.
From the front, he almost looks normal!
Nan looks great, I am glad that he is doing so well. I had told you about my tiny and today I lost my Tiny. I have no idea what really happen but I know he is gone for I found feathers but nothing else.
Oh dear! So sorry to hear. Poor Tiny.
Did you lose any more than just the one?
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