My little Nando just will not grow! Update: He's found a forever home!

I can't help laughing whenever I hear one that's just starting to crow. They are all so different and so odd in how they do it. Good for Nando
The mighty crow has arrived, though he still sounds like a dysfunctional whoopy cushion! It's not a crazy loud crow, but loud enough to bother urban dwelling neighbors, so I will be trying to find him THE most FaBuLoUs home I possibly can. He is looking really good and his new feathers are amazing. He's gorgeous. Just dropped his whole tail over the last couple of weeks and a new and improved one is emerging. He is such a handsome man! Can't believe he got past those velociraptor days. Other than the toe curl and a bit of a humpy back, he look perfect. I'm hoping someone in Oregon has just the space for such a special guy. I plan on taking fresh pics tomorrow. I'll put them on the Oregon and Washington sites to see if I can interest anyone in taking him. Well, not just anyone, he needs a super-fabulous place to call home. Hopefully someone will fall in love with him as I did.

I'm almost tempted to send his ladies with him. They are such a bonded trio. They would do so well if they could stay together, although my sister is supposed to be taking the two EEs. They think Nando is as hunky as I do. It kills me to separate them.

Oregon/Washington folks:
Do you have the perfect home for Nando and possibly his ladies, if my sister will let them go?
Here they are today for a looksy...

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It's so sad that you can't keep him after all you've been through with him.

Hope you find him a very nice new home and a good, loving owner. Good luck!
That is the saddest yet sweetest little crow I've ever heard. I wish, as I'm sure many of us here do, I were closer, I'd love to have him. May he live long and prosper!

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