My little Nando just will not grow! Update: He's found a forever home!

♥♥♥♥♥See above link for a look at Nando today!♥♥♥♥♥♥
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I know, right?! I have absolutely no idea what breed standard is for Red Blue Laced Wyandotte Roosters, but his colors are amazing. He is so vibrant!
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♥♥♥♥♥See above link for a look at Nando today!♥♥♥♥♥♥

I suppose I should mention, that he does not fly up. He can fly down alright, but has never flown up to roost or onto anything. He has a hard time navigating with his crooked toes. He can walk up and down ramps and I have stepping stones and a step stool to help him get onto the roost at night. He does have some special needs.
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OOh my goodness I just read through this whole thread, crying, laughing.. uuugh what a story!He did turn out to be a handsome mister!
I pick up my first ever chickens ( chicks) tomorrow, I can't wait to see what adventure lie's ahead. Esp with our small yard and very urban neighborhood. But if we can make it work for a year we will be headed to a big yard in a farmy area!

Great job I might add, you really stuck with him and he turned out perfect for him!
Oh man. I'm super tempted! It looks like our rooster is turning out to be a female so we don't have one. We're in the Vancouver/Orchards area, where are you located? Is he allowed to roam at all? We're on 5 acres and ours get yard time when we're home.

Not sure how he would roost with the others though. Our roost is about 3 feet off the floor. Here's an old video of our coop, there are actually 13 hens now, cross beams on the roost for more room, and a different watering system out in the run.
He's BEAUTIFUL Pharm Girl!!!
Just back from the coast. Your coop looks very nice in the picture, no video that I can find though. We are in Lake Oswego, not too far. He free ranges just fine once he knows where 'his' coop is. I have a cement block and wooden step stool for him to reach the roost. It could all go with him. His health is good, except for the curled toes and he's getting very handsome. His crow is more of a mediocre bellow, not nearly as loud as the roo down the street. He doesn't know it, but he will be loosing his two girlfriends soon, so it would be a good time to move him.
He's not a people rooster, runs away when you get close to him, though I pet him at night when he's on the roost and he clucks away, never nips. He's not mean to the ladies and so far I haven't seen him try to mount any, probably because of his feet, but he still might try in the future. He's third from the bottom of pecking order in a group of 9.
I wouldn't breed him because of his issues, so if you want a rooster to be a 'stud', he won't be a good choice. Otherwise, he's as smart as any chicken can be, and a pleasant member of the flock. Doesn't make too many waves and tries to protect the ladies by puffing up and dancing when the cat comes near.

Think about it, and so will we! Fortunately, we can always take him back. Thank you for even considering him, not too many people want a rooster with issues.
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