My little Nando just will not grow! Update: He's found a forever home!

Oh man, I had the PERFECT home for Nando. Then I got a strange email that makes me leery about sending him there. Boo. Back to square one. *sigh* I was going to send his ladies with him. Anyone want a sweet deformed rooster and his two adoring ladies who are scheduled to lay their first egg today? I can just tell, they are circling the nests.
If only!
Where at in the Northwest do you live? I'm in Vancouver, WA. Does the little guy get along with other roos? I have a small backyard coop and run. Plus they all get the full run of the fenced in yard. My roos, a silkie who has never been a 'top' dog and a very small D'Uccle (who thinks he is top dog and thinks he is much bigger then he really is.) His name is Hef. And he is always watching out for his ladies! But because of his tiny size, only his attitude is big!
Along with a couple of silkies, four other D'Uccles (all very small), plus a very timid polish, I only have 4 full/regular size hens, (2 americaunas, 2 delawares) So if you are not too far away, and you think everyone would get along, I would be willing to help raise little Nando. Another 'good' issue, I don't eat my chickens. I collect eggs, but will never butcher any of my birds. So little Nando would be save and happy life, (till it is his time for chicken heaven) Let me know. PM or email, and will can talk.
Where at in the Northwest do you live? I'm in Vancouver, WA. Does the little guy get along with other roos? I have a small backyard coop and run. Plus they all get the full run of the fenced in yard. My roos, a silkie who has never been a 'top' dog and a very small D'Uccle (who thinks he is top dog and thinks he is much bigger then he really is.) His name is Hef. And he is always watching out for his ladies! But because of his tiny size, only his attitude is big!
Along with a couple of silkies, four other D'Uccles (all very small), plus a very timid polish, I only have 4 full/regular size hens, (2 americaunas, 2 delawares) So if you are not too far away, and you think everyone would get along, I would be willing to help raise little Nando. Another 'good' issue, I don't eat my chickens. I collect eggs, but will never butcher any of my birds. So little Nando would be save and happy life, (till it is his time for chicken heaven) Let me know. PM or email, and will can talk.

I love that when one door closes, another door opens. I really appreciate your offer and will keep it on the table for sure! i have him on Craigslist as well and some people are at least considering him and his ladies as of this morning. They have an unused coop which to house him and the girls. I've learned not to count my chickens before they hatch (so to speak!) But I like the idea if it actually happens. I'll keep you informed! Thanks so much for being willing to step up and take my oddball little dude. That means a lot to me! We're in PDX, by the way.
He's the only roo in my flock of 9, so I have no idea what he would do around another one! He's third up from the bottom in pecking order around here. The old biddies aren't about to let a young roo take control around here! I have a chihuahua, so I totally get the little Napoleon syndrome. You may be hearing from me soon!
Sounds good! Just keep me updated. I'm a stay at home 'chicken' mom, but my husband's mother is here visiting, so we are in and out taking her to see the sites. So if something happens and you don't 'hear' from me right away, don't worry, (I won't change my mind) I will be on and off the computer most of the day. Going out while the weather holds.
Good luck with CL and finding little Nando his forever home.
I have been following his story from the beginning, and was surprised when I came across the ad you posted on craigslist - I had no idea that this little guy was near me! I wish I could take him, but unfortunately, I also live in an urban area. I can't wait for this special guy to find his forever home, he deserves it- I know it's out there! Good luck, I will definitely be checking back.
Hey I just saw your craigslist posting. I live right out side of Oregon City. I have quite 6 hens now and no roosters. I was wondering if you want me to take him and your girls off of your hands. I have a secure enclosure, everything is very comfy etc... I could be out at your place tomorrow. I'll email you as well. We have alot of "special" animals on our property and one more friend (or a few more) wouldnt hurt. <3
I've been in your situation twice already!! It's so frustrating at times. I have a black laced polish who was almost under half the size of her hatch mates. They all towered over her after a couple days! But with a little extra TLC she got sting enough to go out with my two foster silkies, but still grew slowly. She's now almost 7 months old and every bit of 5-6 pounds! Fiesty too. Now I have a 5 week old RIR chick who has been in with the big girls and boys for over two weeks. Shes growing pretty slowly too. I guess it just takes time for some different little ones.

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