My Mallard laid her first egg!


7 Years
Aug 1, 2012
Hi there. My 5 month 8 day old duck Gabby laid her first egg today! :D What I was really wondering, though, is will she keep laying an egg every day for like 7-10 days like a duck in the wild? The reason is I live in the Chicago area where temperatures right now are below zero and I've never heard of a wild duck laying eggs in the winter like this (but I'm not sure). Since she laid it she is extremely quiet and is eating a drinking more than she ever does. Gabby is purebred mallard, but is extremely friendly and sweet and is treated like our dogs. She comes in around sunset and sleeps in the basement. Could this be why she laid now? Let me know if this is normal. Thank you! :)

Here's gabby with her egg :)
i have a mallard hen that also started laying this year she has started eating more and drinking more so that is normal i think she will lay a clutch of eggs and stop for awhile and then start back i only got 4 eggs out of my mallard and then she stoped i think it cause it got cold on her and she found out it was to cold to lay and hatch any eggs i m glad she has stoped for now but i hope she starts back at the end of next month congrats on the egg

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