My Marans is not a Marans


5 Years
Jun 18, 2014
Des Moines, Iowa
So, I bought four FBC Marans chicks from a local guy here in Iowa. I was super excited, I've wanted Marans for awhile now. Unfortunately one of the chicks failed to thrive and died early on. So, I was left with three. Two chicks turned into handsome, FBC Marans boys which was fine, although I had been hoping for ladies. The last chick, however, was a girl. I was happy think I would at least get one chicken laying those pretty dark brown eggs and I was hopeful she would get cozy with my Ameracauna rooster and maybe make me some olive eggers. But, as time went on and her brothers got huge, she stayed teeny tiny. I just kept thinking...she'll get bigger! Then, her tail started to get all cute and rounded and I began to think....this is not a flipping Marans! What did this dude sell me? My thought is maybe a Pekin? She's fast and jumpy so its hard to get good photos of her...but here is one. Thoughts? I can try for more photos if needed.
Here is a photo of her next to her two "brothers" along with some of my other chickies. She is, of course, the little one in the far right.

And then...more of a face photo.
I just googled Birchen Cochin and that looks exactly like her! She's so sweet I adore her, but how in the world do you mix chickens up that badly! Thanks for your help.
Agree on the bantam cochin. The good news is she'll likely make a great broody momma if you're so inclined to hatch your own chicks. Bantam cochins have been my go-to broodies for several years and do great raising their chicks in a flock of large fowl layers.
Agree on the bantam cochin. The good news is she'll likely make a great broody momma if you're so inclined to hatch your own chicks. Bantam cochins have been my go-to broodies for several years and do great raising their chicks in a flock of large fowl layers.

That would be great! My broody silkie was murdered by a very determined raccoon. That was a rough day. She's so tiny though, I dont think she could cover more than two eggs at a time :lol:
I routinely put 6 large fowl eggs under my bantam cochins, and once had my best broody hatch out 8 large fowl eggs. My hens are pretty's a pic of my smallest girl trying to go broody in the feeder of all places....and her unhappiness when I covered it up

Also agree on the Birchen Cochin. a very pretty bird.

Had a Delaware Bantam do that in one of the 7 pound green hanging feeders. The top was less than 6 inches in diameter, but for 3 days there she was... finally covered it and gave her one of those plastic barn mailboxes. She was in heaven!
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:lol: That picture is great. This is why I love chickens, all their silly little personalities. I'd love to see her being followed by a bunch of cute little chickies.I'll keep my fingers crossed for spring! Thanks for all your help.

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