My Miracle


10 Years
May 26, 2013
Washington State
This isn't exactly an incubation story but kind of. I didn't know where else to post it and I am positively bursting to tell someone so here goes.
A bit of back story first, I have a main pen for most of my flock and a smaller pen where I house my two one eyed roosters. they both received eye injuries from their flock mates which resulted in blindness in the one eye. Being softhearted and whatnot, I keep them separate in their own pen/barn, a bachelor pad of sorts. Well one of my hens, Mahalo, unbeknownst to me had been visiting, well I know about the visiting part, but what I didn't know was she had been secretly laying eggs in their barn as well. So she inevitably goes broody and takes to nest. I mark calendar and begin countdown. Time approaches and in this time for whatever reason an egg was taken from the nest or fell out and was in the pen with unfortunately a tiny fetus in it. So every day I go out to feed Sammy and HalfPint ( the boys) I sneak a feel under Mahalo for chicks. Nothing, but no worry good things come to those who wait right? On the day of this story I go out to feed and I see what I think is a largish poop on the ground. On closer inspection, I realize it is a dead chick, full term, something told me take it inside, it was cold, and presumed dead. On the way in as I am throwing off gloves and cursing myself, I see chicky gasp! I feel there is a chance still by god. So the first thing I think of is get him warm and fast. Under my sink I run him under tolerably hot water for a while. He is warming up, I plug in my incubator to warm up, and then after a few minutes I run him to the bathroom and blow dry him. After a while he starts crying. Now I think we are past emergency but I threw, well put him in the incubator and ran to get Mom. I bring all my new moms and babies in the house in a laundry hamper for the first week to make sure they get off to a good start, and also so my three fat Cochin roosters don't eat their chick starter.Here we are a week later and my buddy (who I have named Miracle for obvious reasons) is doing perfectly and is joined by three more siblings. I love him to pieces and am so glad he joined my family of 32 chickens.

My Miracle and his family all healthy and happy and loved.

my miracle baby at 5 days
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What a lovely story and Miracle is such a little cutie.

I do hope you are able to keep us updated with his/her progress so that we can share in the fun of watching him/her grow up.
Thank you for sharing such an inspirational story! And excellent job in saving him!
I would be more than happy to have everyone share his/her milestones! I have another chicky three days later that i encouraged. The pip stopped and i kinda played god. Tired of mammas losing babies so i helped. Second chick at 5 days healthy. DO NOT recommend unless no other choice. Even then i made a moral decision i had to live with, maybe a selfish one. But a life is here and i cant go back. Kinda feel like frankensteins monster. But frankenstein never saw the sad hen ghat sat on a clutch for 21 days and didn't have a fuzzy chicky to show for. So if anyone wants to call me out, ive already kicked my own butt! But the proof still exists.i cant say for sure tnis is a good idea. But i hate losing latecomers. And! My chicks at the moment are ok. Time will tell, and i try not to "count my chickens". Happy chickening to all of you!

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