My natural hatch Coturnix hen is broody—molting, yes/no?


6 Years
May 1, 2018
Boise, ID
My Coop
My Coop
Both of my <1 year hens seem to want chicks of their own, but one is particularly dedicated. The temps are still close to freezing some nights—it even snowed this morning—but sunlight dictates everyone is laying and molting. Yet my broody girl hasn't started her molt, and I'm wondering if being on a nest is interfering with other yearly cycles.

She's on 12 "empty" eggs and I plan on screening off her side of the aviary tonight to keep the other hens out of her little hut. Before I go and order any hatching eggs, should I be worried about her molt?

I dont think the molting matters too much, but you could give her some extra protein if you want. About 2 months ago, one of my button quail hens went broody and sat on her eggs well for about 2 weeks. Then one day when I came home I found most of the eggs scattered around the cage and only a few left in the nest. I put them in my incubator and a few days later one chick hatched. A week after that 3 more chicks hatched. One died, but the 3 left are doing great. Funny thing is they are almost full grown now so I moved them in with their parents. Little did I know, one of the adult pairs actually adopted them and sit on top of them at night. That brings me to 10 total quail they are still inside but later this spring I will build them an outdoor small aviary.

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