My neighbor is getting upset! HELP!

I clip both wings on all my birds, I tried just doing one and still had them up in the neighbours tree. I also noticed them using the nest boxes to get up to the roof of the coop so moved the coop away from fences.
As for the run, mine gets so muddy after a few days of rain and stinky too so I use a bale of hay, the girls love to spread it out and it stops me falling on my butt when I go in to get the eggs.
I rototill mine once in awhile.Turn the smelly ground over. My run in covered, but I am sure this will help. Maybe sprinkle some lime over it to balance the soil.
Sorry if this is a silly question, but do you use literal lime? or garden lime pellets?

Chicken fencing:
I think that building a fence, with the top 1ft angled inward, TOWARD the caged area, might work to keep them inside. Kind of like a cat fence.
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I think if you confine them now until they are bigger and heavier (lazier!), and break this habit (chickens are very much creatures of habit) it may help keep them confined to your yard for the long run. When you let them back out - months from now - be sure to clip both wings severely to discourage flying . I had this problem earlier this summer with some young birds i introduced to the flock. Fortunately for me my neighbor was THRILLED to have them in her yard (though I wasn't cuz she uses pesticides - lol). I found that confining the whole flock until the new girls were thoroughly integrated (everyone was hanging out together instead of kids flock/old lady flock) it went a long way toward keeping the fliers in, because they hate to be alone.
Good luck!
Sorry if this is a silly question, but do you use literal lime? or garden lime pellets?

Chicken fencing:
I think that building a fence, with the top 1ft angled inward, TOWARD the caged area, might work to keep them inside. Kind of like a cat fence.
Lime from the farm store in a #50 bag, its like a powder or granule. You can get a soil tester at the garden store. Any time you add manure to soil it should be balanced with lime.
I free range my chickens and have a 4', chain link, fully fenced yard. I have had chickens for 3 years and have not had this problem. The younger birds that I added to the flock this Spring are hopping up on the fence and going into the neighbors yard every day. I have clipped one wing on them, added an unstable strip of chicken wire with zip ties the entire length of the fence to deter them from going up there, but neither of these methods are working. She is now saying that her very old, decrepit dog was violently ill this weekend and she is suggesting that it is because her dog likes to eat their droppings. Does anyone out there have any advice, success stories or wisdom that they might want to share?

Thank you,

The older chickens stay on your property, but the younger ones do not?

What breed or breeds are your older chickens and the younger chickens? How old are the younger chickens?

Younger chickens tend to be able to fly better than older chickens. Some breeds can also fly better than others.
The older chickens stay on your property, but the younger ones do not?

What breed or breeds are your older chickens and the younger chickens? How old are the younger chickens?

Younger chickens tend to be able to fly better than older chickens. Some breeds can also fly better than others.
I'm sorry for my delay in response. First off, I'd like to report that the young birds grew all new primary wing feathers and this was the reason for them going over the fence. Second, after discovering this, we reclipped the one wing and the opposite wing and this corrected the issue! I had no idea their wing feathers grew in that fast. I actually read that they didn't grow until the birds had a molt. This is not true.

To answer your questions Bullitt, you are correct, the young ones are the fliers, the older ones are content to hang on the ground in my property. Second, the breeds of my older girls are/were (I culled my flock a couple times over the fall, New Hampshire Red, Red Sex Link and Partridge Rocks. My young girls are, White Rock, Barred Rock, Buff Orpington and Easter Egger. The younger chickens were about 5 months.
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