my nephew is back in the hospital


10 Years
Apr 6, 2009
kountze texas
derrick just finished first round of chemo. he had a toothache thanks to his chemo and went to the dentist wed. they gave him shots in his mouth and antibiotics. next morning he woke up with his face so swollen he couldn't talk. mom took him to the ER and all the spots were he got shots abcessed. so they admitted him. thought he was going home today but the doctors decided he needed tosatay one more night . he may go home tomorrow. if everything goes wee. the week of april 8th he will get a pet scan . then they will decide if he needs more chemo, surgery to remove the lymph nodes or nothing at all. please keep him and his family in your prayers.
So sorry to read that the dentist visit caused so many ills for him when he already has so much to deal with. Praying he pulls through all of this.
UPDATE: derrick had his scan and lab work last week. they got the results yesterday and no cancer cells was detected. He is not out of the woods . the doctors said it may not show up one month but may show up the next scan. but for now we will be happy.
Glad no cancer was seen.

I once went to a dentist whose office was quite dirty.Gotta wonder if they clean the equipment.

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