My new brooder (homemade)

Ill post a pic of the hole in the top tomorrow. Its just a 14 by 14 square cut out. I put a dowel rod across the top and wrap the cord around to the length I want. I am glad ya'll like it.
That's a really nice looking pool brooder. Much nicer than my uncle in law's (he doesn't have a lid and the wire tends to bow out). My question is how tall is it? I am really short, and thinking of the shortest wire I've seen, I probably wouldn't be able to reach the bottom.
With a 14 X 14 hole in it, my peeps would be doomed. The cat would get in in a heartbeat !

So, I will make the hole MUCH smaller, and everyone but the cat will be very happy !

Great job !
I Love this!!! What a great brooder!! This is much roomier than our brooder is...ours is only good till about 5 weeks...which was fine last year but now this year we need something for them to transition in while waiting to go in with our big girls in the coop!!
With the 'lid' it is 29", the wire I did have to cut down (I am only 5'3") It is about 26". I didnt know about the brooder contest, but it is closed now anyways I believe. Maybe next time.

A cool cube could be used as a door for the top opening, only cut a 1 foot square then. Some cheap hardware would keep it in place and allow access to easy changes for lightbulbs.

My cats eat with the chickens half the time and have never bothered a chick. (the magic of the place I guess, my roses also bloom in November) I have a cat named Bunny that comes inside and sleeps in a hammock with the house rabbit. She thinks she is a rabbit, why we named her so. I am blessed with a place that works so well naturally. Now, if these chickens would lay eggs in the winter, lol.

I imagine a door could be cut into the side for kids to have access to the babies, instead of lifting off the whole lid. I am making another one of these this year. Maybe use bigger pools when the clearance sales hit.

I tried the playpen last year. Chickens kept getting out and it isnt as easy to clean. Litter gets out, the p.p. soaks up the ammonia from the chicken poo's. I hated it. I dont like rubbermaid totes because they dont have good ventilation. The heat from the chicks and the lamp can cause those to build up condensation, I am sure resulting in some deaths. Wooden ones break down eventually, and how well can wood be cleaned. I have tried everything and came up with this. Probably as a result of my severe insomnia.

I am glad ya'll like it. If there are any more questions, please feel free to ask.

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