My new Garage Coop!!!


11 Years
May 7, 2008
Madison-Columbus WI
Hi everyone,

I just finished my garage coop. The coop is in a corner of my garage with a doggie door for them to go out into a dog run. The kids did a great job painting it and naming it and are absolutely in love. The right side has deer netting on it (I want it something that will not block the light coming from the window on the other side of the garage). The other side with the lattice is the door (nice and wide). I plan to use wood pellets on the floor and I am still debating what I should use for nesting boxes and what kinda of feeders/waterers i should get. I already had everything that I used to build the coop so it did not cost me anything (for the coop at least...i have to get the dog run). I also need suggestions on what type of roost i should build (ladder style in the corner is what i was leaning to).

Any ideas or suggestions will be great on the feeder/waterer, nesting boxes (want something easy to clean) and if I should get a dog run or build some kind of fence outside.

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I love it - you did a great job and so did the kids.

For nesting boxes, do you have an old covered cat litter box? A milk crate? 5-gallon bucket? For a roost, the ladder style should work. I made free-standing roosts for my coop that are really simple - just a 2x8 with a vertical 2x4 on each end and a "foot" on the bottom of each 2x4 (I cut old wood from a pallet into an 18" length for the foot).
How cute.
I have a dog kennel for my inside the basement brooder. It also doubles well for a time out box or a Hospital if every a chick get sick or injured. In the event of a new bird it can be a quarantine box. So if you need it for later keep it around.
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