My newest addition - name suggestions?


Free Ranging
7 Years
Apr 23, 2017
Richmond, MO
Meet my newest addition to the zoo! This pup was a rescue, but then my son couldn't keep it either - so here she is. 8 weeks old. She's a Jack-Chi (Jack Russell terrier and Chihuahua cross). My son called her "Biscuit", but it's only been a week, so..... we might be open to a different name.

She is so freaking adorable and cuddly and smart! I'm in love already.

I like names that have meaning or relate to something we enjoy. Hubby and I are G.O.T. fans, so I've been looking through lists of female character names to see if any jump out at me, but would also be adorable for a puppy - and I came up with these:

Daisy - a prostitute gifted by Tyrion to his nephew, Joffrey. She had a tough go of it, but survived. But we're also Star Wars fans, and Daisy is the first name of the actress who plays the lead character Rey. She's beautiful, a tough fighter, and I just love her performance.

Pixie - also a prostitute, and the only character reputed to successfully perform the 'Mereenese Knot'. In real life, the actress is a contortionist. But really it's just a play on words that refers to G.R.R.Martin's struggle to produce the 5th and 6th volumes. I like stories about pixies or faeries, too.

Maisie - first name of the actress who plays Arya Stark. I'd name the pup after Arya - my favorite female character - but it doesn't seem to fit. Maisie is a beautiful name and fits better.

Gilly - a wildling from north of The Wall, who is rescued by Samwell Tarly and becomes his love interest, though Sam isn't allowed to marry. She's smart, tough, resilient, and loyal. It's also short for "gilliflower", a very pretty flower that was used for payment of rent in feudal times in England.

And finally, Lady (or Ladybug) - Lady was Sansa's pet direwolf, the gentlest of the litter, whom her father, Eddard Stark, killed to pacify Joffrey/Cersei. Also many of the women on G.O.T. were Ladies of one kingdom or another. I also think "Ladybug" would be an adorable name, and a nod to the Ladies of Westeros.

So what do you think? Or do you have other suggestions? Doesn't have to be from Game of Thrones, just throw your ideas out there!

(edited to correct brother nephew reference, and to add description of Sansa's direwolf, Lady.)
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I think I've got it now.!
All day long she's been called Daisy, Maisie, and Lady (I nixed Pixie and Gillie this morning). Also Dani (Danerys' nickname in G.O.T.), also a nod to Danica Patrick, NASCAR racer, since Jack Russells are notoriously FAST and energetic --- and my husband still called her Biscuit.
And then a little while ago I called her Maisie Lee, oddly - I was thinking of my sister's dog, Aldi Lee, who was named after both of our parents (Alden and Leota). And then I remembered my mother's middle name was Mae - and she loved little dogs. Adored them. She would be so honored. I tried it out on the little pup, and it stuck.
Mom would have been 102 years old in May. She died from a heart attack when I was only 23, and she was my age now - 63.
Maisie Mae it is! 🎀

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