My Peahen is not setting on her eggs.

I have a question. Peahen has laid eggs all over the pen. We are over the count of 20 eggs. The last five she has laid in same area. See photo. We took up previous eggs because of a persistent king snake and have incubated them. Numerous are fertile. The hen shows no sign of being broody and is still laying eggs about every 48 hours. Looking at the photo can anybody tell me if appears to be a nest or trying to make a nest? This has been going on for two months. Advice will be appreciated.


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WHAt would A NEST look like? my peafowl have always been free range and The hens brought the babies in after they hatched so it was never a worry. The hen in question belongs to a friend and is a caged bird.
a nest for peas is a shallow depression in the ground shaped like a bowl. It is usually lined with some grass. You'd know it if you saw it so this hen is definitely not going broody.

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