My pekin duck hurt its wing


In the Brooder
Jun 25, 2015
Need help please, I was feeding my ducks this morning and I let them out of the coop and for some reason they got spooked. All of them took off running and flapping their wings in a crazy frenzy and one of them ran into the side of the coop. One of its wings is almost dragging on the ground. I have been watching it and it will sit on the ground and shiver/shake a little. The other three ducks are staying pretty close to it like protecting it but I am afraid it is seriously hurt. What do I need to do if anything? I am unsure if it is eating because the food is going down but unsure which duck is eating. I am trying to stay away from it because i hope it doesnt think I hurt it and dont want to get it worked up. Will it heal on its own?
It has been a few hours since the incident and I went out and checked on him. I took their favorite treat out- some peas- and he did not eat. He is resting in the back corner of the coop, he got up when I went inside walked a few steps and than stood and watched the others eating the peas. He stood and looked at me while they ate. This is not like him at all. And besides. all of the ducks are usually outside of the coop during the day eating grass and have free range, They are all staying inside the coop and very standoffish,. Maybe something happened during the night to have then so spooked and staying inside the coop during the day, ????
It's wing could be broken, sprained, or a muscle/tendon could be pulled. He may be feeling a bit under the weather due to his injury, so his instinct is to hide and stand back.
I would wait until tonight when you can get him without stressing him out, and see how bad his wing is.
Thank you so much. I will see tonight. Im not sure what to look for but I hope he is ok.
Went out again and as soon as they hear me filling up the pool with water they all came out of coop. The poor boy is definitely in pain at first he stood back and watched again. I thought I would try one more time to see if he would eat and drink. I filled the pool up and than I put a bunch of dried meal worms in, They all love this and they will dive into the pool to eat the worms. The other 3 did as planned and the sore boy stood and watched them. I thought this is not good, So I decided to put some worms on the ground outside the pool,. after about 2 minutes the boy went and ate some worms and drank from the pool. His wing is still dangling low. I feel bad for him. I will post some pictures. Im just trying to not get him worked up. Oh I forgot to mention when I was watching him he stretched his other wing out and the other one didnt move, Im afraid its broke.. :( Can anyone tell me how to secure his wing when and if I can catch him. Pictures would help... Im probably only gonna be able to catch him once.
Here's an article that could help you.
I think you can wrap it around the body to hold the wing in a natural position for it to heal.
Thank You for the link. I will call my local vet and see if they deal with avian animals. I dont know many around me that have ducks so I think they will say no but I will ask. I hope it is just a sprain.
Just a quick update. My duck just sprained his wing. The vet came and caught him and he did very well. He still is holding his wing different than the other one but he is active and eating. He moves the wing a little more than before and seems to be getting a little better every day.

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