my pet chicken reviews

My chicks from My Pet Chickens are on their way!

I got an assortment of hens: Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, Welshans, Rhode Island Reds, and one Easter Egger. I had splurged on a Blue Ameraucana, but the hatch failed.

I'm very excited.
Hoping they all arrive safely. Per USPS they left Cleveland this morning and are hopefully en route to Virginia.

Girlfriend picked mine up this morning. Get to see them in an hour. 2 barred rocks, 2 buff orps and 2 ees. One ee looks like it might be blue or lavender. Excited to see it when it grows up. Chipmunk ee is a little smaller and getting picked on according to gf. Very happy with service. Arrived at 930am next day

They're here! All look healthy and alert! One a bit smaller than the others but seems to be doing well.

I am using a heat plate instead of a lamp. I have been periodically placing the chicks under it to make sure they know to go there to get warm. Any tips for introducing baby chicks to a heat plate?

They're here! All look healthy and alert! One a bit smaller than the others but seems to be doing well.

I am using a heat plate instead of a lamp. I have been periodically placing the chicks under it to make sure they know to go there to get warm. Any tips for introducing baby chicks to a heat plate?
I've found that they instictively locate it as it is natural for them to crawl "under" something (like momma) to get warm.
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I'm on my second set of chickens from MPC and I have nothing but good reviews of them. Well, I did order an olive egger and none of the 4 girls lay olive colored eggs, but that doesn't really bother me.
I know most people on here are discussing their baby chicks but I'm wondering if anyone has had problems with their chickens once they are grown? I have 8 2yr old hens, I ordered 8 girls and got 8 girls and they all came alive and survived which I am glad for but 2 of them would likely not be alive if I didn't have a great avian vet that sees backyard chickens and the willingness to spend the money to fix them. I had 1 buff orpington have a vent prolapse when she layed her first egg and my other buff orpington have a cyst removed from her oviduct, which was not cheap. I now have a 3rd chicken with problems absorbing calcium we think she has vitamin d deficiency and are now supplementing her. She has plenty of sunshine and I don't feed a lot of snacks and they are on high quality food and she is the only one with the problem. I was just wondering if I just got lucky enough to get all the birds that are doomed to have problems or if anyone else has had similar issues
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