My Pet Duck Frozen is Up for Cutest Pet

Good morning everyone! Just wanted to share a quick update - Frozen has got 176 votes. I suppose it is still possible for him to catch up to the golden pup at 319 but the pit bull seems out of reach with 346. At this point, I just want to keep him in third place but another pit bull is catching up with 157 votes. I've done everything I can think of. Not sure what is so cute about pit bulls... ugh...
Aww, shame those dogs are winning, but they are the more popular pets after all. Not much we can do about that! I have voted again, though! :)
Thanks everyone for your support! True - dogs are the more popular pets. But I'll take a duck over a dog any day!
If everyone could vote one final time today, I would appreciate it! Frozen is in fourth place as the other pit bull has overtaken him but they are basically neck and neck. He doesn't get anything unless he comes in first or second - which is impossible at this point - but at least he'll have bronze bragging rights. :)
A great big thank you to everyone on BYC who voted for Frozen! I found out today that the magazine is so impressed with Frozen's support that they are going to spotlight him as the third place finisher in their May issue! They sent me a few questions to respond to by EOD tomorrow! I can't wait to share what amazing pets... scratch that... best friends ducks make. :) :) :)

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