MY Philosophy on Predators (FOX) Graphic PIctures


9 Years
Aug 11, 2010
OK. It seems there are many new folks here that have questions about predators. There is so much helpful information here on BYC and it seems everytime I log on I learn something. I see lots of questions about Foxes in particular the past few weeks. This is because the Fox is coming out of his winter doldrums, probably very hungry, preparing to breed, and that is why reports have increased, because they are moving about during the day and making noise people don't recognize. Here in Connecticut, Fox are legal to hunt during February, mostly because they are so active. For me the fox belongs here. He was here before me, he eats his own weight in rodents, and is a natural part of the eco system. Like Raccoons, Opossum, Hawks, Owls, Eagles etc... they are a beautiful and natural part of the environment, and control many unwanted pests, and occasionally each other. Coyotes and domestic cats are intruders here, not natural, and are considered rodents to be exterminated. I own 2 cats and they are kept indoors. Our coyotes here are 15-20% timber wolf, much larger than the ones out west. Try as they might, I have placed heavy gauge fence deep in the ground around my pens, light the pens at night, keep a good netting over the top, clean up around the place, trap rodents, and practice good hygiene. I don't kill anything natural I am not going to eat unless like rodents, it presents the danger of disease, or is a danger to my family, or sometimes, when a predator learns how to get to my birds. I don't kill for sport or fun, and take no pleasure in it , nor do I kill on site (except for rodents). I had a fox living on my land all this winter. I would see him at night, sometimes in the early morning, I could see his tracks in the snow, along the pens and barn, and he was welcome to hang out, unmolested, catching whatever mice he could, maybe the occasional spilled feed, it was a symbiotic relationship, and even during hunting and trapping season, he was protected on my land. Then the door to the mallard pen, weakened from snow, ice, moisture, etc, warped just enough so Mr. Fox got a head in the pen and dragged out one of my prize males. A drake, show quality, which I had been feeding and caring for, several years. A prized breeder. The story in the snow was plain to see, tracks, blood, feathers, a fox being a fox. 5 days left in Fox season. The result is the photo below. I did not want to do it, and once I dropped him, I felt a tinge of guilt and sorrow, but it was a necessary evil.

I agree with you 100% - I'm here in CT too - coyote are all over the place behind me and up the street at the farms. Have bobcat, fox, raccoon etc

I have a raccoon that has found a way into my shed - climbs down the tree onto the roof and in through the space between the roof overhang and the walls - (left open - it's just a shed after all) - and every now and then when I go in there at night - I see it peeking out of the corner at me -

I say hello - long time no see eh ? and remind it to stay away from my chickens. So far so good - but it does deter me from free ranging unless I'm positive I can close them up before dusk.

But - unless it goes after my birds - it's free to stay.

I'm currently having trouble trying to find out why I've had some birds die this past month - but it's definitely not raccoon. I've narrowed it to being smothered from trying to keep warm or mites. Mites I'm working on - keeping warm, not much else I can do. They already have a heat lamp. Though I also have in the back of my mind weasel. A weasel could get into my coop - but I'm working on that problem too - the coop door just needs adjusting.

It's the opossum that I have a problem with - it started with eggs at dusk, - I don't mind sharing eggs - but then killed one of my chickens. I'm going to ask a friend up the street for his trap .....
We had a pair of foxes raise their young (4kits) out in back of our house. We'd watch them go hunt right in the daytime walking right past our chickens, (fenced in), and not give them a second look. If you have one fox you probably have another, better fix that door. Prevention is the best form of control. Good job on ridding yourself of possibly another loss.
Rooster#3 :

did you shoot it with an airgun?

Yes, a Crossman Storm XT 1000 I picked up at Wal Mart for $109.00. One shot into the chest ( behind the front leg), and a second to the head once he was down. It was very fast. I have taken coons, skunks, and the occasional possum with a single shot. Its very quiet, accurate, and could easily drop a coyote. I believe if you are going to kill, it should be humane as possible.​
Good work and good philosophy. Sorry for your losses (both the drake and the fox). In the fox's defense- it's been a hard winter. He probably couldn't resist.
Is it okay to do that with a large cat?
Don't flame me please, I don't have bad intentions, I just want to protect my flock. What would happen if this creature attacked during the daytime? I can see why my dad doesn't like cats...

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