My Rabbit Journey~New Pics pg 17

No problem at all. I have not had that kind of interest yet, but hoping to someday be able to have double the amount of breeding stock I have now which is 2 does and one buck.
It worked!! It worked!!

We put them together at dusk and she did not run away from him. He got right to business and "keeled over". It was funny!

We left them for about 10 minutes and he seemed to get the job done 3 times, falling over each time.
Thanks again for your help!
It worked!! It worked!!

We put them together at dusk and she did not run away from him. He got right to business and "keeled over". It was funny!

We left them for about 10 minutes and he seemed to get the job done 3 times, falling over each time.
Thanks again for your help!

OH I am soo glad this work out for you. I am no expert but I was just telling you what has worked for me!!

I've had my own tale of a hard to breed doe the last two months. She was due the 27th to have her litter and I didn't think she was pregnant. I palpated her on the 28th and by then you can usually feel the babies moving around and I didn't feel anything. I put a nest box in with her just in case and left it for two days. Nothing. They had only one successful "contact" when I bred them.

So yesterday I brought her over to the buck at our friends house. She was again, acting like a brick: "nope I'm not a doe, I really am just a rock in your cage." Ugh so frustrating.....So I took the buck out of his cage and put him in another next to it, then left her overnight in his cage. That seemed to do the trick. They bred once this morning and I put them together again at dusk and they had four more good contacts!!!! So I am sure we'll have a litter in about 31 days
some recommend putting her back in w/ the buck an hour later. i personally like to put her back in with the buck the following morning, and sometimes i do it again that evening on the second day for a third go round. helps make bigger litters.
Thats awesome. We don't have a pen at the buck's place (with our friends). They are going to build rabbit grow out pens for this spring, and we might use a portion of one of the pens later as a breeding pen. My first breeding I did on my first Champagne doe happened in a large wire dog crate on grass.
Hey Jamie, do you have any pictures of your grow out pens? I'm trying to get as many designs in my head as possible before I ask my hubby to build me anything else.
Hey there
We have not built any yet, so far we have just raised the litters in split same-sex groups in our large hutch. It has worked out ok. Last summer my baby buns spent a lot of time in dog x-pens in the yard until they were about 7 weeks old. I would put them back in with Mom at night until they were six weeks though. Our design we are going to use is based on getting dog kennel panels and making 6x6 or 6x12 grow out pens, which we will make two of, whatever size we end up with. That will include the top being completely covered and the sides being reinforced with hardware cloth to keep predators out, oh and the bottom will be covered too. They will probably have half dog crates inside for shelter and of course water and food plus hay.
Just a quick update. I am 90% sure we'll have new kits in about two weeks from now. I have been checking my young doe the last few days and her teats are very prominient, her belly is much rounder and firm. In a week I will start checking for movements of the kits. She is also much more friendly than usual, her Mother did that too -- became a "pet" when pregnant the first time. I am soooo excited.

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