My rescue chick from TSC *Pics Added!*


9 Years
Mar 19, 2010
Spring Branch
I stopped at TSC yesterday to pick up a couple of things and while we were there, the kids checked out the peepers. I had considered purchasing some of their chicks last week but was put off by a couple of things. Number one is that they have a minimum purchase of 6. Number two is that they don't even know what breeds they even carry. And the thing that boggles my mind is the sign that is attached to the chick bins saying that they are for agricultural purposes. Ummm....if you don't know what they are how in the world can they be for AG purposes??
I digress.
I see my youngest son leaning into one of the bins flapping his little arms at the chicks yelling, "No! No! You stop that right now!" I quickly came over to see what in the world was going on. My son, Nathan, was so upset and told me that the other chicks are being mean to another one and that its bleeding. I looked into the bin and sure enough, there was a lot of blood where her little tail feathers should have been. I grabbed the chick out of the bin and let an employee know about it. He was about to put the little thing in with the ducks explaining to me that they would peck on her less. I told him,"Or I could take her home and fix her up." He was more than happy to give her to me.

She is doing fine in a separate cage from mine. I haven't checked in on her yet this morning. Letting the peeps sleep until the sun starts to come up

BTW- I think she's a Red Sex link? I did a search here last night to find photos of chicks that look the same. She's a medium yellow with two light brown stripes running down here back.

Pictures added as requested



Posing pretty

So is she a Red Sex-Link?
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It was that chicks lucky day! They can be so mean to each other sometimes. Glad you were able to help the baby.
good for you!! yay chickie!

I was in TSC last weekend, and was also disturbed by a couple of things. For one, the heat lamp didn't seem to be low enough for them as they were trampling and huddling under where the heat lamp was, as dd's and I were standing there I saw 3 dead ones that they all were picking at...were obviously dead...and told two of the workers. They said,"well hate to leave them there, but we have now were else to put theml" I'm sorry, if you are carrying live animals you need to one be able to properly take care and for two if there are dead ones, get them out of there!! I am NOT saying all TSC are like that, I've talked w/plenty of people that have had wonderful experiences w/their chicks coming from there. I just think our particular branch needs some educating on proper care of chicks. I would hate to see that chicks are dying simply because of the lack of heat and trampling. I also, was not happy about the 6 chick rule, I for sure couldn't sneak 6chicks back home w/o DH finding out
but 2, I might have
Good job rescuing that baby that probably would've died if left up to the employees.

Two out of my 4 (or 5
) trips to TSC to get chicks this year, I pulled a dead or almost dead one out for the employees stuck it in a box seperate from the other chicks and pointed it out to an employee. I have two local TSC's, and both times were the same store and same employee. I noticed the same thing at that one about the lights being too high and the weaker ones getting trampled. That's what happened to both of these. The other one had obviously more concerned employees because she had one bantam that she was very concerned about selling just because it had one eye that was staying closed. Their set-up seemed better, too. I know why they have the 6 chick limit, but I agree that it would be much easier for me to sneak one or two chicks into the brooder without telling dh that it would for him not to notice 6.
I would probably do it, too. In fact, our local-owned feed store should have chicks coming in next week by special-order only, but chances are they'll have a few extra unwanted ones. They only have a limit of 2.
Aw, so nice of you!

I went to TSC yesterday with DH to get a tiller, while there we went to see the chicks and ducklings. I noticed in one of the chick bins there was one chick just standing still while the others ran around peeping like mad. I picked up the one that was so still and it had no eyes!
Not one, no eyelids, nothing. I handed him to the employee and told him to cull it so it wouldn't suffer. I want to take it home so bad, but DH nixed the idea, saying that it probably wouldn't make it anyway.

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