My RIR cockerel that humps the ground instead of mating with hens?


8 Years
May 15, 2011
For the last month, my six month old RIR will hump the ground instead of mating with my 5 hens. He has nothing to do with them. He does not associate with them and usually goes on his own way when I let them free-range. I have never seen him try to mate with them, dance, or anything. Also, He does not crow. I have heard him two or three times in the last three months and it is very weak and strange sounding. Sometimes he acts like he is crowing but there is no sound. I am wondering if his vocal cords are dysfunctional.

Is there a possibility the reason he does not mate with the hens is because he cannot crow? I have tried locking him in the coop with the ladies and he usually hangs in the corner of the run. Is there anything I can do to encourage him to mate with the hen and not hump the ground?
I've never heard of such a thing how old is your rooster is he mature have you tried introducing a new rooster and seeing how he acts with it just a thought
Are the hens mature? He's a tad young. If the hens aren't mature yet, they won't let him mount and he will wait once thrown off.

When I blended my two flocks, one one year, the other 5 months old, the rooster tried to mount some of the young hens when they were chronologically old enough, but they would not have anything to do with him. In a couple of weeks, they were receptive and life went on; and they started laying about the same time.

That's an interesting situation you have. I've never met a rooster who didn't "acquaint" himself with a hen as soon as he could impose himself upon her. That said, they do develop at different rates. One of my guys didn't start crowing until he was 20+ weeks old, and now at six months or so he's still pretty bad with the ladies.

If your cockerel isn't genetically scrambled, he may just need some time to mature. It's easy to forget that they're still very young at that age, when they look so much like adults.

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