My RIR died this morning


Oct 19, 2021
Gilbert, South Carolina
She is a year old. Was bullied by other hens a lot. Last week she stayed to herself. Past few days lost weight and weak. Kept her in house last night. She ate a little and drank a little. Put her out this morning in coup by herself. Noticed white mucous thick long thing coming out of her. I pulled it all out. Went in house for a minute. Came back out, she was dead. What did I pull out of her. Sorry, I have no pictures
Same thing happened to my RIR. Died yesterday. Found her stuck in the coop and got her out, couldn't stand, drinking, but not eating. Got her in the house and noticed the same white mucus coming out but thought it normal as some of my other chickens do it (not as thick, and usually right after drinking because they drank too much)
Died an hour later. Pretty sure she had ammonia poisoning. Sorry about your girl. Hope someone else can help more than me.
Pictures would be helpful. She may have had an egg membrane coming out of her vent from a broken egg. Sorry for your loss. Reproductive disorders and cancer could be possible causes of death. Stress from being bullied could have been added problems. A necropsy can be done by your state vet, or a simple on by you at home, to look at organs may tell you what was going on.
Same thing happened to my RIR. Died yesterday. Found her stuck in the coop and got her out, couldn't stand, drinking, but not eating. Got her in the house and noticed the same white mucus coming out but thought it normal as some of my other chickens do it (not as thick, and usually right after drinking because they drank too much)
Died an hour later. Pretty sure she had ammonia poisoning. Sorry about your girl. Hope someone else can help more than me.
Sorry about your girl. Never heard of ammonia poisoning. Will look into it. Thank you
She is a year old. Was bullied by other hens a lot. Last week she stayed to herself. Past few days lost weight and weak. Kept her in house last night. She ate a little and drank a little. Put her out this morning in coup by herself. Noticed white mucous thick long thing coming out of her. I pulled it all out. Went in house for a minute. Came back out, she was dead. What did I pull out of her. Sorry, I have no pictures
I’m so sorry for your loss.

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