My RIR Is Going Downhill, Help!

Plus, my hens are free-range so she could've eaten something bad that got her that way because I store my feed in a sealed, dry garbage can and don't think it was my chicken feed. I feel bad that she died but I couldn't get medicine for her in time because I rely on my parents for when we goto TSC.
This was the very first time that that case has happened. I don't always clean everything when I need to but are hens are strong, healthy, and in good spirits except for the occasional illness. I've had some cases over the years where they decide to hide under the boxes when they aren't feeling well and die. I take pretty good care of my chickens. I don't like that you're challenging my raising methods just because chickens like hiding when they're sick!
Whoa, I am not reading Sparrows post that way. I think she misunderstood what you were saying is all. I 'got' that this is the first time this has happened to you and I'm very sorry it did. All birds try to hide when they are sick. To stay out in the open goes against their natural instincts of survival. No one can fault you for that and I really don't think she was.

Sometimes when we see something new we try to equate it to what we already know and in the end we learn. It sucks, but we learn. I always have Duramycin-10 in my medical kit. I also have Tylan 50 and 200 but have never had to use them because I caught things early and was able to kick things back. I also have Sulmet and Di-Methox as well. You never know when something is going to come up and hit you and your chickens right between the eyes and I want to be prepared as best I can be. Another thing I carry is honey. Honey is antibacterial. Inside and outside the body. If you see symptoms like this again and don't have the antibiotics yet, you could try to give her some mixed with warm water. About 1 tbls. to 4 tbls. of water.
Okay, well thanks for the medicine thing! I didn't mean to get mad but I thought she was insulting me.

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