my roo actually prepares a dust bath for his girls! Anyone elses roo do this?


6 Years
Mar 8, 2013
Its sooo sweet to watch....he digs around and pecks in the dirt...then does the coo call thing, they all come running over and the top hen takes a dust bath! Wish my hubby did that for me lol!
Our roo not only prepares the dust bath for his girls, he also feeds them, watches over them, breaks up their fights, rescues them from the other idiot roosters, and escorts them from place to place. They apparently aren't capable of doing anything by themselves as far as he's concerned. lol
Mine does not do the dust bath thing, but he looks for nests for them, and then sits in the nest, making it nice and tidy, before calling to the hens to come and see if they like it. He will even sit with a hen while she lays her egg in there.

He is also great with the 'teenagers'. When the chicks are older he will lead them about teaching them how to behave and what to eat - giving the mums a deserved break!!
Its nice to no there are some sweet roos out there! the 'teenagers' have been sold on.....our roo seems much more chilled out....he actually eats for a start! Those teenagers kept him busy lol

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