My Roos is going to attack me!

I've backhanded my rooster with a pair of gloves, "You sir are a cad! Pistols at dawn!"


I had some trouble with a roo and he ended up in the stew pot. I think some roos will never learn. Other roos are great. I would say study up and try any of the techniques before you use him for dumplings!

Here is an article I have used. Good luck!
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Also, remember this is a bantam rooster...on a good day he might hit your thighs on a running leap. Grab em up, tell him "NO" firmly and carry his butt around until he behaves and do it everytime he puffs up to charge you.

He will not understand the word NO but he will understand the tone and the punishment for his behavior. it just takes patience and time.

Never let 3 lbs of feathers keep you out of your coop. If he continues and yuo have no choice...time for mikarod's axe and tree stump.
Oh you guys are the best! I am still worried, but I have laughed over these solutions.

Cetawin you are sooo funny! My kids were looking at me trying to figure out why I was laughing so hard while I read your post!
3 lbs of feathers--hahaha
You are right though. Why am I so scared of 3 lbs of feathers? He gets scary and charges me...guess that is why.

And FrontPorchIndiana that was funny too! I have a toddler so I can relate!

He is pretty though

So the plan tomorrow is to have dh go to the coop tomorrow with me for moral support! Soon as my scary 3 lbs of feathers comes at me I am going to grab him! And hold him till he LOVES it! Wish me luck!
just remember if he hurts will just hurt for a little bit!! ha-ha..I am just JOSHIN with you. I wish you all the chicken luck in the world. I held mine and he didn't fight did solve my problem. You go that roo who is the boss!!!
I do the grab and carry thing. Now they follow me around like puppies. They want my attention. Mine were not mean though (the mean one's get mikarod's advice) sort of stand-offish and shy. Now they love me
I talk to him, pet his feathers and kind of coo like I did to my kids when they were babies and carry him around as I do my watering and feeding...
Hugs and good luck
PS- they are just doing their job. Might be jealous and want your cuddles too!
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