My rooster attacked me

I need some advice about my rooster. He’s always been aggressive towards my kids, so built a nice big run for my flock and I’m the only one that goes in, so I kept him to breed and protect the flock. We live very rurally and only ever lost a few chicks to predators once.

I just added four ducklings to the flock. The hens were eating all their food, so I sectioned off part of the run just for the ducklings. I carried them to the coop for the night so they would have the warmth from the chickens.

This morning when I tried to pick up a duckling to put it in its area, the rooster attacked me. I’ve had him come at me before, but he would not back down this time. He drew blood with his spurs through my boot! I had to kick him hard enough he flipped, then came back for more.

I’m not scared of him, but I have a healthy respect for him, watch him closely, and never turn my back on him.

So my question is: should I be proud of him for protecting his flock or cull him for being aggressive? He’s two years old and he’s beautiful. I’m very fond of him. I want a rooster that protects the flock. But now I have also seen what kind of damage he could do if he got near my kids somehow. His spurs are huge! If I cull him and keep a rooster from my current chicks, will a calmer rooster protect/alert from predators? I have mixed feelings.
In my experience, barn yard roosters aren't much protection anyway. The predator attacks I've experienced have all resulted in the rooster and hens getting killed. Barn yard roosters just aren't formidable fighters like game cocks and even then a 30 raccoon is going to win.

I have a rooster about 2 years old and he'll jump at me when I'm walking, drew blood once, but he's going in the freezer next weekend. He's the oldest rooster I have and the only one who's aggressive towards people at all. My younger roosters, even his sons, aren't aggressive at all.
Grab him and carry him around for a while. Do it each time you feed. He soon learn to stay away from you... Personally he would have already been Chihuahua food at my house. Your children could lose a eye with a bad rooster.....
I personally have never had a rooster that did not come at me. They are so pretty so I would cave and keep one thinking it would be better than the last but always ended up crazed and cocky so they had to go. If I was you he would be another memory. I can't stand for a big rooster to flog the crap out me and like everyone said it's dangerous.
Now I have two silkie roos and they are little enough not to do damage. One does not attack me but he's in a pen by himself. The dominate one I keep with the hens is another story. he and I keep a watchful eye on each other because he'll throw his little body at me if his ladies pay me more attention than him. I've been tempted to lock him up in his own area so I don't have to deal with him but so far he has not annoyed me to that point with his antics.
Ya I think you should definitely do something about. I mean, if he is a danger to your kids 😬
But I don't believe death is the right answer. You can have his spurs removed. Also maybe try separating him from the hens for a little bit. Hope this helps

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