My rooster is doing the shuffle dance to me!


8 Years
Mar 14, 2011
Eugene, Oregon
I have a 3 month old silkie rooster and everytime I go in the yard he does the shuffle dance to me. Is that normal? Does he know he's suppose to be doing that to the hens? Maybe he's just a little confused. lol. He is still young though.
I only have one rooster who does it....and, other than to his own kind, he only ever does it to my daughter or the dog. He tried it ONCE on me. I chased him, cornered him, did my own version of the wing dance to him, then picked him up and carried him around for about 10 minutes in front of the other chickens, petting and stroking him. He has NEVER done it to me since.

From time to time I re-assert my dominance over him by 'wing dancing' him. He is now very sweet and offers me sticks, pebbles, bits of food etc. instead of cheek!

My daughter is now humiliating him, too. The dog, well he chases him off as soon as it starts, so I think he is getting to know his place.

I would say never to let your rooster get away with it.
I wouldn't call it 100% "normal" exactly--none of my roosters in my memory exhibited shuffling or dancing behavior towards me. I'm not sure it our first rooster ever did it--at that point I was a new chicken owner AND a new mother and I'm not sure I would have recognized if I saw it. He turned out to be human-aggressive and won a trip to the stewpot.

Most of our roosters have been indifferent towards humans. The barred rock roo in my pic is the only one of late that isn't indifferent, when he sees me he comes charging up as fast as he can with the expectation of a nice fat grub, a grasshopper, or other meaty treat. But absolutely no dancing (except to his hens), and he's well-mannered around humans.

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