My rooster is learning to crow


11 Years
Apr 7, 2008
North Dakota
A few weeks ago the crow sounded really froggy and was one syllable. This morning the two boys have the two syllables down and its almost a real crow.

I thought they always just knew how to crow. When I read here that someone's was learning, I thought that was funny because, don't they just know that. Guess not.

I am really enjoying these chickens even DH thought it was funny this morning. Sometimes when the wind is right or its quiet out, I can hear the roosters crow at the farm up the road a mile or so. Farm life is the only way to go.

if anyone is interested there is a night farmstead across the road and up a bit from me. the house needs some work but its 8 acreas and a nice steel pole barn w/concrete floor.
My 2 roosters need vocal lessons. They have the same crow, started crowing on the same day, but they are both very hoarse sounding. They've been crowing for about 2 months now with very little or no improvement.
My 1 year old RIR learned on his own and crows like an old pro, while my 5 month old EE roo tries to learn from him. They alternate their calls in the morning, old Brewster first, then Schuster after. I think it's pretty funny right now, but he'll learn.

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