My Rooster looks like hes hurt or sick...


9 Years
May 31, 2010
I have no idea.
Whenever hes on a brick (We put some pricks in the coop so they can rest on them) and gets scared, he falls right off, falls on his wing, and scatters everywhere. Hes very sleepy during the day, too.2 Days ago he slept under the coop house and I think something bit him, but if something did bote him, there would be bite marks on it. Do you think he has a cold? Sickness? Please help, this is one of Princess's (Tiny's hen) first batch.
Not sure what's up with your rooster. Could be he's gotten hold of some moldy feed or maybe he has a heart issue and has no energy. It's really hard to say. If there are any other symptoms you can tell us that you think of, maybe that would help. How old is he, what is he eating, etc?

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