my rooster seems deathe on his death bed


9 Years
Apr 25, 2013
my maran rooster is laying down and doesn't get up. he wont eat or drink unless you force him. he just lays there and does nothing. I think hes on his death bed. someone please reply quickly.
O no I am so sorry
Someone plz post who could help!
Pick him up and check him over. Has he lost weight? Check to see if he has mites/lice, an infestation of those can cause anemia and eventually death. Is he on a regular deworming program? If not he could have a heavy load of internal parasites that have weakened him to this point. Are there any other symptoms? Any wheezing are rattling when he breaths that could indicate respiratory disease? Have you brought any new birds home recently that might expose him to disease or a new strain of cocci? You can always treat for cocci and deworm to rule out those problems and go from there. Keep in mind that birds hide illness very well until they just can't do it anymore and when they are this bad that they don't want to move, eat or drink they are often close to dying no matter what you do.
I think he lost wait. when he sits hes hunched and has his head tuck in. my sister turn him upside down and he threw up a little . we brought home 6 new chickens from the fair but he was showing a few symptoms of this before we got them.
All you can do is try. I would start with the most common and obvious possibilities: Run a course of Corid just in case he's brewing a nice batch of cocci. You want to rule that out first because it will kill him faster then anything else. After he has finished the course of treatment you can start him on vitamins and probiotic's, but only after the Corid, NOT during. I would also deworm with Valbazen if he has not been dewormed regularly. It kills worms slowly over the course of a few days, so just in case he's full of worms you won't get a big worm kill-off really fast that can cause worm blockages or dead worm toxicity. And obviously if these things don't work then you are dealing with some other disease process.
hes getting off-balance. he doesn't want to open his eyes and hes barely alive it seems like. please help
This sounds like exactly what I logged in to find info on. We have a rooster and 2 hens who all of a sudden today started showing these signs. We've quarantined the three.
he just pooed. its was black and a cream color. he cant sit up now or he'll fall on his head. someone please respond.

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