My rooster tried to attack me.

I'll have to try the water bottle. I carry a plastic whiffle ball bat in the pen with me because my banty roo and I have issues. Well, I have the issues...roosters scare me. Our barred rock cornered me - my first experience with a rooster and it scared the you know what out of me. I won't go anywhere near that one but he's perfectly fine with DBF.
I think my roo is working toward a confrontation with me. His gals knocked him off the roost the other night and he has been giving me the evil eye ever since. Love the spray bottle idea!
My Buff Roo got aggresive with me for the first time too. I keep a broom handle with me now when I check on the girls and collect eggs. When he gives me 'the eye' I stomp the broom handle on the ground a couple of times and he lets me pass on by. I can't reach his butt to pop him one with a water bottle but I can with a broom stick:lau He has respect for my family and I now.
Sometimes I think the rooster doesn't really recognize me. If I wear a different pair of shoes, he gets upset. His eye level is only about 18 inches high.

Mine bite me the other day when I tried to pick mine up (which he lets me do all the time.) He wanted to roost in the tree instead of going inside for the night. I gave him a spank (not very hard) and he swaked at me
Animals need disipline just like children. They need to know who boss.
I am convinced, that our seabright rooster is sensitive to certain colors. 1. A miller light beer can. 2. My wifes light blue Crocs. 3. My youngest sons dark blue flip flops. When Mr. Chicken was 5 months old, he and I had a come to Jesus meeting! It worked. My wife and youngest son run screaming off into the yard when he gets an attitude. Therefore he becomes the boss. When my son gets to close, Mr. Chicken does a sneak attack and pecks his butt as he walks away. This is terribly upsetting to my son, (even though he has teased Mr. Chicken)... You have to be the boss and yes, chickens can learn rather quickly. Never be afraid of them. Water works well too.
Henry'schickens :

My Buff Roo got aggresive with me for the first time too. I keep a broom handle with me now when I check on the girls and collect eggs. When he gives me 'the eye' I stomp the broom handle on the ground a couple of times and he lets me pass on by. I can't reach his butt to pop him one with a water bottle but I can with a broom stick:lau He has respect for my family and I now.

Oh God you scared me, I thought you were going to say you hit him with the broom :eek:
Thanks to all of you that offered me some sound advise. I did pick up one of the hens as she has a sore eye that weeps so I have been treating it with saline. I live in australia and there is an antibiotic for animals but not available without vet presciption and that costs more than I payed for her. So with love and a lot of hope she should get well. That maybe why he went for me. I will also try the broom anything to show who's the BOSS!!!!!!!. Thanks again for all you imput.
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Personally, I don't want to carry a weapon with me everytime I go to the barn. My rooster did ram into the back of my ankles when I turned my back to him. He was about 5 months old. I just thought he was clumbsy. He did the same thing the next morning and I swung around and launched him with my foot.(Not kick, launch. Into the air) And then I stomped toward him. He has never tried bullying me since. That was about 6 months ago. He's a sumatra and has multiple long, sharp spurs and could hurt me if he wanted to, but he respects me.

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