My Rooster


In the Brooder
Dec 1, 2016
Churchville NY
My Coop
My Coop
I'm guessing that he is an Old English Bantam, he, Pip isn't quite a year old yet and he's the perfect rooster. Maybe it's more common than I think but he loves to be held and rubbed and he's kind of partial to baby talk too. Now I know that lots of roosters don't mind being picked up and held but Pip insists on it. When ever I go into the Chicken Chalet, yes, Chicken Chalet he runs up to me to be picked up. And when I am holding my other birds, he get a bit jealous and tries to shoo them away. He shares the Chalet with 4 Seramas which he takes very good care of, he keeps the boys in line and fusses over the girls. He won't eat a thing until all of the seramas have started to eat when I give them their daily treats and has protected them before from a rooster that is at least 4 times his size. Here are a few pix of him and his flock.

The nesting box in the Chalet.

The boys, Pretty Pete on the right, Gorgeous George in the middle and Lacey

Pip at the Rochester School for the Deaf for Show and Tell! Oh, and that's me proud of my birds!
It's nice to hear a good story about a rooster and Pip is a handsome guy. Like your nesting box, did you build that?
You did a good job with the building

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