My silkies found me attractive!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 23, 2014
I was kneelling down near my silkies trying to be not too threatening when one bird gave a chirp and they all came charging to me! I was feeling pretty darned pleased with my self when I looked up and 2 buzzards were circling over us. Oh well I will take what appriciation I can get.
Also today there have been to large rattlers killed near us on the road. Makes you wonder how many are out there not on the road that we don't see. They were both over 40" long and the one right near here had 9 rattles. Think I will start wearing my boots when i am out and about.
wow, maybe you need some snake proofing/ traps. chances are they see you as a protector, that and your bigger than a buzzard ( I assume ive never seen one) however if it makes you feel better chickens can tell actractiveness in humans as wel as being able to count to 4. large roosters can help as they will protect their hens/ chicks and call out warnings as well

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