My silkies stop laying eggs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 15, 2009
my silkies stop laying eggs, could it be the hot weather? nothing in the coop has changed. what's wrong?
You sure they aren't hiding them ?

Are they sitting on the nest? Maybe broody?

I guess they could be going into molt or just taking a break

how many days has it been ?
Maybe molting
Has anything changed in there enviroment besides the heat? The smallest thing can set those hens off.
no molting going on, I know they are not hiding them, and its been 2 weeks, thats a long break....
Are you in the south where we have had all these terrible storms? Mine have slacked off some since the storms.

You could have a snake getting them to. Snakes are out of hybernation now, ill tempered and hungry.

Usually with egg eaters I have had them leave part of the shell as evidence but this doesn't mean it always happens that way.

Have your recently changed feed for them?

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